Veunex Virtual HSE Assistant

AI-Driven Empowerment:
Paving the Way to Net Zero

At Veunex, we believe that our well-being is deeply connected to the health of our planet. To protect it and create a sustainable future, we harness the power of AI to empower individuals and drive positive change.

Cut Emissions by 4% Instantly!

Energy sector can reduce emissions by 4-10% right now by quickly adopting digital technologies.

20% reduction by 2050

IEA's net-zero goals can be achieved by scaling up digital technology in energy, materials, and mobility.

10% emissions reduction with AI

In various sectors, AI could effectively contribute 10% to overall emissions reduction efforts.

How Veunex Supports
Your Net Zero Journey:

With Automation process you not only relives people from repetitive and manual tasks but also reduce the energy and resources needed to complete tasks which significantly effect on your net zero plan by reducing carbon foot print!

Veunex optimizes operations by accelerating communication, identifying incompliances in a real time, predicting equipment failures, and more. This not only bolsters safety but also minimizes energy consumption and waste, contributing significantly to your net-zero goals.

Veunex empowers organizations to assess and improve operational efficiency through data-driven insights. It provides analyzed data and immersive insights to enable HSE teams to evaluate performance and see if they are tracking based on the organization’s net zero goals.

With the Veunex Virtual HSE Assistant, you’ll gain immersive insights and data, empowering you to make more informed and sustainable decisions. In this way, you can enhance operational efficiency and streamline your organization’s path towards net-zero emissions and overall sustainability.

Harmonizing AI and Sustainability: A Symphony for Net Zero

Empowering people is
the key to net zero

Drilling rig

We need energy to progress, but we can explore and exploit it sustainably! By empowering rig HSE teams, we can strive for zero incidents and proudly claim that we’ve done our best to protect our environment. If you’re curious about how to achieve this, click here!


Refineries face significant challenges on their path to net-zero goals. They must minimize waste—both in materials and energy—while mitigating spills, leaks, and emissions. Avoiding major accidents is also crucial to prevent environmental harm. Together, we can make a difference.

Fabrication Sites

In fabrication sites, where several operations are taking place simultaneously, automating processes, enhancing operational performance, and evaluating progress can greatly help teams in tracking the path to net zero. Let’s explore how AI can assist you on this journey

Saving the Planet with Technology!

Our Earth, Our Heritage:

Saving Human Beings with AI!

Our planet is our greatest heritage, and it is our responsibility to pass it on to our children in a better state. We are running out of time, so let’s harness the full potential of the technology we have to preserve and protect this invaluable legacy for future generations!